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What are appropriate markup languages for users with disabilities?

Suppose you're developing a web site and blind users will be a significant chunk of your target market. If the web site includes document editing functionality, what would be appropriate WYSIWYM tools? Are languages like Markdown, Textile and Wiki Formatting really accessible or are they inconvenient to blind users?

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Richard JP Le Guen Avatar asked Apr 13 '11 12:04

Richard JP Le Guen

People also ask

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Quorum is a programming language originally designed for individuals who are blind or have low vision, but is used by other individuals as well.

What is accessibility language?

Accessible language is language that includes everyone. People can feel excluded when: they don't understand words or phrases. language is used in ways that pose challenges to users of other technologies, such as text-to-speech software.

What is the most accessible of all the programming language?

1. Python. Python is described as a highly readable object-oriented programming language with automatic memory management. It is the most accessible language that can be written with English keywords, whereas other languages use punctuation in their syntax.

What is language of parts?

2 Language of Parts (Level AA): The human language of each passage or phrase in the content can be programmatically determined except for proper names, technical terms, words of indeterminate language, and words or phrases that have become part of the vernacular of the immediately surrounding text.

1 Answers

I'm a blind programmer and while I haven't used most of the languages you mention I've found that any markdown language is fairly easy to use if you have the desire to learn it. I've had no problem using either HTML or several markup languages for wiki's. Part of it will depend on how invested the users are in your site. If it's a site that will be visited infrequently or for short periods of time, it's much less likely that a user will take the time to learn the required markup whether they are blind or not. Unfortunately, I have not found an accessible JavaScript WYSIWYG editor but I find it easier to manually enter the markup so haven't looked very hard.

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Jared Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09
