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What are all of the file extensions supported by FFmpeg

How would I go about getting a list of all the file extensions supported by FFmpeg for use in an ExtensionFilter used by FileChooser in JavaFX?

I am familiar with the "-codecs" and "-formats" options from FFmpeg, but these list the format and codec names which do not necessarily coincide with their file extensions.

e.g. (partial output from "ffmpeg -formats")

  • D aac raw ADTS AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
  • DE ac3 raw AC-3
  • E matroska Matroska

parsing aac and ac3 from the output of ffmpeg would work fine to create file extensions for those types of files, but matroska has ".mkv" file extension.

like image 444
zjevander Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 08:03


1 Answers

There's no list directly available. You'll have to run

for input formats, ffmpeg -demuxers
for output formats, ffmpeg -muxers

Then for each entry, run

for input formats, ffmpeg -h demuxer=entry
for output formats, ffmpeg -h muxer=entry

Each format readout will show something like,

Muxer matroska [Matroska]:
    Common extensions: mkv.
    Mime type: video/x-matroska.
    Default video codec: h264.


Demuxer avi [AVI (Audio Video Interleaved)]:
    Common extensions: avi.

Then you can collect all extensions from the Common extensions entries.

like image 151
Gyan Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 15:03
