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What angularjs expression syntax is this in ng-class



The AngularJS Noob Handbook has some code which reduces class manipulation to a simple expression and binding :

<a ng-click="flags.open=!flags.open">...<div ng-class="{active:flags.open}"> 

However, what is the expression syntax in ng-class? I understand that a vertical bar (|) would pass through a filter and that a filter can be passed parameters after a colon but the above code is doing something different. If the scope variable on the right evaluates to true then the expression on the left is included otherwise it's dropped.

Is this specific to the ng-class directive? Is there some documentation on http://docs.angularjs.org that explains this?

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Phil Avatar asked Feb 06 '13 17:02


People also ask

How do you use NG conditional class?

To add a conditional class in Angular we can pass an object to ngClass where key is the class name and value is condition i.e., true or false as shown below. And in the above code, class name will be added only when the condition is true.

Can I use ngClass and class?

You can use both class and ngClass as the first one gives you the opportunity to apply a class that you want to implement in all cases under any circumstances and the later to apply classes conditionally.

What is the difference between ngClass and class?

ngClass is more powerful. It allows you to bind a string of classes, an array of strings, or an object like in your example. The above two lines of code is with respect to CSS class binding in Angular. There are basically 2-3 ways you can bind css class to angular components.

2 Answers

This is mentioned briefly (too briefly, in my opinion) in the ngClass documentation. If you pass an object to ngClass, then it will apply each key of the object as a class to the element if that key's value is true. For example:

$scope.first = true $scope.second = false $scope.third = true 


<div ng-class="{a: first, b: second, c: third}"></div> 

would result in

<div class="a c"></div> 
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Michelle Tilley Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10

Michelle Tilley

you've probably also seen something like this:

<div ng-class="{true: 'complete'}[item.Id != 0]"></div> 

Very rad syntax.

EDIT: What happens here, is that the "complete" class is added to the element if(item.Id != 0). Alternatively, we could write: <div ng-class="{false: 'cookieless'}[monsterEatsCookies('Elmo')]. As its decided by the monsterEatsCookies function, Elmo does not eat cookies so since this function returns false the html element gains a class called cookieless.

A simple example: <div ng-class="{false: 'DoubleNegative'}[1 == 0]. 1 !== 0 which is "false" -- the "DoubleNegative" class is added to the element.

<div ng-class="{  true:   'complete'  } [item.Id != 0]"></div> 


            | |      | |          | | |            |             | |result| |className | | |            |             |                     | | |            |             |       function      | | | condition  | 


Also, I just realized that you can use a variety of different keys to map to your condition. For example:

ng-class="{ true: 'highlight', undefined: 'mute' }[ item.hasValue ]"

The mute class will be applied if item has no "hasValue" property. Furthermore, you can apply a class for any given type or value:

{'Jonathan Chapman': 'embolden', '[object Object]': 'hide'}[ item.toString() ]

In the following collection, this would embolden a person's name while hiding items that are objects:

[     'Jonathan Chapman',     { aka: 'Johnny Applyseed' },     'Brad Pitt',     { details: 'Fights Zombies' } ] 

With this, you could watch for specific values in any $scope property. I suppose this could come in very handy at times.


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Cody Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10
