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What algorithms are suitable for this simple machine learning problem?

I have a what I think is a simple machine learning question.

Here is the basic problem: I am repeatedly given a new object and a list of descriptions about the object. For example: new_object: 'bob' new_object_descriptions: ['tall','old','funny']. I then have to use some kind of machine learning to find previously handled objects that have the 10 or less most similar descriptions, for example, past_similar_objects: ['frank','steve','joe']. Next, I have an algorithm that can directly measure whether these objects are indeed similar to bob, for example, correct_objects: ['steve','joe']. The classifier is then given this feedback training of successful matches. Then this loop repeats with a new object. a Here's the pseudo-code:


while True:
    new_object,new_object_descriptions = get_new_object_and_descriptions()
    past_similar_objects = Classifier.classify(new_object,new_object_descriptions)
    correct_objects = calc_successful_matches(new_object,past_similar_objects)

But, there are some stipulations that may limit what classifier can be used:

  • There will be millions of objects put into this classifier so classification and training needs to scale well to millions of object types and still be fast. I believe this disqualifies something like a spam classifier that is optimal for just two types: spam or not spam. (Update: I could probably narrow this to thousands of objects instead of millions, if that is a problem.)

  • Again, I prefer speed when millions of objects are being classified, over accuracy.

  • Update: The classifier should return the 10 (or fewer) most similar objects, based on feedback from past training. Without this limit, an obvious cheat would be for the classifier could just return all past objects :)

What are decent, fast machine learning algorithms for this purpose?

Note: The calc_successful_matches distance metric is extremely expensive to calculate and that's why I'm using a fast machine learning algorithm to try to guess which objects will be close before I actually do the expensive calculation.

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user213060 Avatar asked Mar 25 '10 22:03


2 Answers

An algorithm that seems to meet your requirements (and is perhaps similar to what John the Statistician is suggesting) is Semantic Hashing. The basic idea is that it trains a deep belief network (a type of neural network that some have called 'neural networks 2.0' and is a very active area of research right now) to create a hash of the list of descriptions of an object into binary number such that the Hamming distance between the numbers correspond to similar objects. Since this just requires bitwise operations it can be pretty fast, and since you can use it to create a nearest neighbor-style algorithm it naturally generalizes to a very large number of classes. This is very good state of the art stuff. Downside: it's not trivial to understand and implement, and requires some parameter tuning. The author provides some Matlab code here. A somewhat easier algorithm to implement and is closely related to this one is Locality Sensitive Hashing.

Now that you say that you have an expensive distance function you want to approximate quickly, I'm reminded of another very interesting algorithm that does this, Boostmap. This one uses boosting to create a fast metric which approximates an expensive to calculate metric. In a certain sense it's similar to the above idea but the algorithms used are different. The authors of this paper have several papers on related techniques, all pretty good quality (published in top conferences) that you might want to check out.

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dimatura Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 13:10


do you really need a machine learning algorithm for this? What is your metric for similarity? You've mentioned the dimensionality of the number of objects, what about the size of the trait set for each person? Are there a maximum number of trait types? I might try something like this:

1) Have a dictionary mapping trait to a list of names named map

for each person p

for each trait t in p


2) then when I want to find the closest person, I'd take my dictionary and create a new temp one:

dictionary mapping name to count called cnt

for each trait t in my person of interest

for each person p in map[t]


then the entry with the highest count is closest

The benefit here is the map is only created once. if the traits per person is small, and the types of available traits are large, then the algorithm should be fast.

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tbischel Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 14:10
