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What algorithm can I apply to this DAG?

I have a DAG representing a list of properties. These properties are such that if a>b, then a has a directed edge to b. It is transitive as well, so that if a>b and b>c, then a has a directed edge to c.

However, the directed edge from a to c is superfluous because a has a directed edge to b and b has a directed edge to c. How can I prune all these superfluous edges? I was thinking of using a minimum spanning tree algorithm, but I'm not really sure what is the appropriate algorithm to apply in this situation

I suppose I could do a depth first search from each node and all its outgoing edges and compare if it can reach certain nodes without using certain edges, but this seems horribly inefficient and slow.

After the algorithm is complete, the output would be a linear list of all the nodes in an order that is consistent with the graph. So if a has three directed edges to b,c, and d. b and c also each of which has a directed edge to d, the output could be either abcd or acbd.

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samoz Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 14:03


1 Answers

This is called the transitive reduction problem. Formally speaking, you are looking for a minimal (fewest edges) directed graph, the transitive closure of which is equal to the transitive closure of the input graph. (The diagram on the above Wikipedia link makes it clear.)

Apparently there exists an efficient algorithm for solving this problem that takes the same time as for producing a transitive closure (i.e. the more common inverse problem of adding transitive links instead of removing them), however the link to the 1972 paper by Aho, Garey, and Ullman costs $25 to download, and some quick googling didn't turn up any nice descriptions.

EDIT: Scott Cotton's graphlib contains a Java implementation! This Java library looks to be very well organised.

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j_random_hacker Avatar answered Apr 29 '23 18:04
