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Weird "Retina" iOS simulator behavior

I updated Lion to Mountain Lion last week and since then, got this really weird bug on the iOS simulator. The first picture shows the regular simulator, and the second shows the "Retina" simulator. Does anyone know how to fix this? I tried deleting Xcode and re-installing, but had no luck.

Normal simulator:

Normal simulator

Retina simulator:

Retina simulator

Thanks for any help in advance!

Edit: This is not the iPad simulator. Here's a screenshot of the "Devices" menu.

Devices Tab

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Raphael Caixeta Avatar asked Aug 02 '12 18:08

Raphael Caixeta

1 Answers

I was having the same issue, try changing the display resolution on your mac. I am using a Retina Mac, so had to play around a bit.

Xcode did give you a different simulator for retina, but looks like they built in the logic to have higher resolution in one simluator.

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user1368151 Avatar answered Nov 26 '22 17:11
