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Weird issue with devise valid_password?

For the past 2 hours, I have been trying to debug a weird issue in devise which is not letting me login.

Here's the stuff I'm referring too:

password  => 'vinodsobale'  password == 'vinodsobale' => true  resource.valid_password?(password)  => false  resource.valid_password?('vinodsobale')  => true 

Attaching the screenshot as well:

enter image description here Note: I have enabled debugger inside devise so the above code is devise internal code.

To me, it looks like a issue in Devise.secure_compare.

like image 301
Viren Avatar asked Dec 07 '15 14:12


1 Answers

This issue is due to a known string-corruption bug in Ruby 2.2.0 that was fixed in 2.2.2.

As described in the bug report, the corruption occured when BCrypt called a specific string-creation API from its C extension, which Devise v3.3.0 triggered by calling ::BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret from the Devise::Models::DatabaseAuthenticatable#valid_password? method. A Devise-specific workaround for this bug was published in v3.5.0.

The solution is to either:

  • Downgrade Ruby to < 2.2.0, or upgrade to >= 2.2.2;
  • Upgrade Devise to >= 3.5.0.
like image 114
wjordan Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10
