I have a mobile website we are building. It will be a single page website using AngularJS for the MVC parts. We need to plug in WebTrends tracking to it. However since it is a single page that just uses JS to change the UI I am not sure how we tell/trigger WebTrends to know a new page and been rendered and what that new page is.
Anyone know?
Magnilex is exactly right--client side, you can call dcsMultiTrack() to simulate a page render. I would suggest a few things:
- Don't put any custom code in WebTrends.js. You will upgrade this file in the future if you update to a newer WebTrends tag version, so it is best to leave this file as is.
- You may want to eliminate the initial call to WebTrends that would log the first page being presented so you do not get two hits for the first page display. Check the WebTrends report and see if you are getting a double hit for the first page--if so, you may be calling dcsCollect() at the start via the standard WebTrends initialization javascript.
- dcsMultiTrack() by default does not include anything except the name/value pairs you pass it. If you want extended information (there are meta tags and a bunch of other tags that WebTrends has available but are ignored by dcsMultiTrack()) you may need to call dcsCollect etc yourself to make sure you pass these along.
Good luck!