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WebStorm theme replica of VSCode theme using dark_vs.json [closed]

I like Visual Studio theme a lot. Its far better than any theme I have seen. I was curious to know if anyone has converted this dark_vs.json theme to its WebStorm equivalent. If so, can someone help me with it?

Also, is there a specific way to convert the json into an icls format for WebStorm to import it?

like image 392
Omkar Avatar asked Jan 21 '18 12:01


People also ask

Is WebStorm better than VS Code?

WebStorm is generally more efficient at refactoring and testing JavaScript and JavaScript-based code (such as TypeScript). Refactoring optimizes code for efficiency, while unit testing ensures product quality. VS Code still provides these features — but they aren't tailored to JavaScript.

Where are VS Code themes stored?

The building blocks of a theme This place, in macOS, OSX or Linux is in the ~/. vscode/extensions directory while in Windows it should be in %USERPROFILE%\. vscode\extensions .

1 Answers

Please check https://github.com/lenny1882/vscode-dark-plus-webstorm (editor color scheme). I'd also suggest looking at Material Theme UI plugin (UI theme + code color schemes) - it can be installed via Settings | Plugins, Browse repositories...

like image 91
lena Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10
