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WebStorm - debugger terminates a process on breakpoints. Process finished with exit code -1073741510

Today, my WebStorm started to behave weird. When I stop it on breakpoint - process falls. It occurs at any breakpoint. I work with nodejs javascript.

I tried to record gif, but quality is very bad (sorry for that), however, you can imagine the problem if you look at the gif.
Process interrupted after breakpoint
As you can see here: debugger caught a breakpoint, but then, process just stopped. At the bottom of the webstorm it is written: "Process finished with exit code -1073741510 (0xC000013A: interrupted by Ctrl+C)".

Everything worked perfectly yesterday, what can be wrong?

like image 680
Maksim Nesterenko Avatar asked Apr 12 '15 01:04

Maksim Nesterenko

1 Answers

Problem occurs because of one of the old watched expressions. I just deleted them all and now debugger works again.

like image 106
Maksim Nesterenko Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10

Maksim Nesterenko