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WebSocket Onclose Status Code 1001 meaning Going Away mean exactly



I am using Web Sockets in my Application

While onclose event , i am getting the status code as 1001

As per this web site , the status code 1001 means Going Away

WebSockets Status Codes

Please let me know what does the Status 1001 meaning (Going Away) mean exactly

Please let me know , thanks in advance .

like image 959
Pawan Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 13:04


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A WebSocket connection can in theory last forever. Assuming the endpoints remain up, one common reason why long-lived TCP connections eventually terminate is inactivity.

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The error event is fired when a connection with a WebSocket has been closed due to an error (some data couldn't be sent for example).

What does WebSocket error mean?

A WebSocket error indicates a problem with the connection between your Ledger device and the Ledger Live application. Some users have reported facing this error message by using Ledger Live in places with restricted internet access.

1 Answers

From RFC 6455:

  1001 indicates that an endpoint is "going away", such as a server
  going down or a browser having navigated away from a page.
like image 160
jesse mcconnell Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

jesse mcconnell