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Website or Server down notification tools [closed]

We've some production and local development servers that we use to host database and web apps for our clients. Some of them are mapped as websites to client's domain (i.e. we've both web apps with url - http://71.22.33.xx/demo/login & http://order.clientweb.com/login)

Recently one of our clients reported that the website is down it returns a "Service Unavailable" error. Eventually it turned that the server was not reachable via remote desktop and none of the websites on that server were responsive! We had to ping the hosting company to reboot the server after which it was back online.

We can't predict future situations but how to get notified when the website or the server is down? A simple way would be to ping 71.22.33.xx but I believe that's old school. Are there any tools (like this) which would not only monitor or eventually check the availability and most importantly mail the admin when it goes down.

I'm sure I'm not the first one with such requirement :-) Here's a similar post. Some one please help ?

Thank you.

PS: Or do I've to write my own like this.

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Hemant Tank Avatar asked Nov 11 '13 14:11

Hemant Tank

People also ask

How can I get an alert if a website is down?

Free Tools. If you're looking for a free tool to get website down alerts, consider UptimeRobot, a simple and reliable tool offering HTTP(S), response time, ping, and port monitoring. You can perform website checks every 5 minutes and receive alerts for downtime on email.

Can you be notified when a website is updated?

Depending on the site you're monitoring for updates, you can be alerted about anything — breaking news stories, brand-new products, blog updates, new cars, updated software, etc. A website monitor can even be helpful for knowing when a website goes offline.

1 Answers

There are a number of products/services that can notify you if your website is down:

  • New Relic
  • Nagios
  • Montastic
  • Pingdom

Some provide more features than others so pick the solution most suitable for your needs.

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frostmatthew Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09
