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WebShare Api sharing files?

Hy i want to share images with the new api. If i have a upload-form for a file, i can share that file with the api, i break my head trying to share a local file. Here my try:

function sharePage(){
const title     = document.title;
var filesArray  = [];
$.get(baseurl+"images/cover.jpg", { async: false }, function(data) { filesArray.push(data); });
    if(navigator.canShare && navigator.canShare({ files: filesArray })) {
            text: 'FILE',
            files: filesArray,
            title: title,
            url: baseurl
            text: 'NO FILE',
            title: title,
            url: baseurl

EDIT: The problem is, that i don't know to implement a serverside-file to this script something like var file = baseurl+"images/cover.jpg"; I tried with jquery $.get but it doesn't work

like image 465
Mac Dechmann Avatar asked Jan 06 '20 16:01

Mac Dechmann

People also ask

How do you use Navigator share?

To share files, first test for and call navigator. canShare() . Then include the list of files in the call to navigator. share() .

What is webshare used for?

The Web Share API allows a site to share text, links, files, and other content to user-selected share targets, utilizing the sharing mechanisms of the underlying operating system.

1 Answers

I get it working by requesting a blob and generating a File object. Someting like this:

  .then(function(response) {
    return response.blob()
  .then(function(blob) {

    var file = new File([blob], "picture.jpg", {type: 'image/jpeg'});
    var filesArray = [file];

    if(navigator.canShare && navigator.canShare({ files: filesArray })) {
        text: 'some_text',
        files: filesArray,
        title: 'some_title',
        url: 'some_url'
like image 66
Jonatã Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
