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webRTC in node.js




I'd like to use webRTC in node.js to manage mixed connections involving peer on browser and nodejs.

I did some tests and searches, I tried using wrtc or webrtc-native but in both cases I can't get them works getting builded binaries or rebuild them (tried on Debian 8, Ubuntu 14 and 16). It also seems the projects are discontinued and I found only articles having 2-3 years old.

I'm looking for advices about modules or libraries to use, or how to make wrtc or webrtc-native works.

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Simone Sanfratello Avatar asked Feb 19 '17 10:02

Simone Sanfratello

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What is WebRTC in node JS?

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2 Answers

  1. NodeJs a simple mesh type media network.

    express module - web server to serve your html client

    socket.io - Signalling server to exchange SDP and ICE candidates

    Refer WebRTC-Example, webrtc-group-chat-example to write your own client and server model

  1. Kurento standalone server (MCU media network) not in Node but has an npm module for client side

    Refer Kurento

  1. NodeJS MediaSoup SFU media network

    Not sure of client model but refer MediaSoup API

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Sasi Varunan Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 21:10

Sasi Varunan

I discovered wrtc version 0.0.60 it's ok, so just use that version and webRTC on node.js works

like image 37
Simone Sanfratello Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 20:10

Simone Sanfratello