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web.py and flask [closed]

For these pythonic web frameworks;

They looks similar, except a few minor differences like their url handling schemes. So it is very hard to choose one of them.

I want to learn from your experiences that which one more suits for a web application that is small in size, but need long term support (initial application is small but it is supposed to became larger over time) and why?

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Ahmet Recep Navruz Avatar asked Apr 17 '11 18:04

Ahmet Recep Navruz

People also ask

Can I use both Django and Flask?

You can not only combine Flask applications into something larger but any WSGI application. This would even allow you to run a Django and a Flask application in the same interpreter side by side if you want.

Is Flask better than Django?

Django is considered to be more popular because it provides many out of box features and reduces time to build complex applications. Flask is a good start if you are getting into web development. There are many websites built on the flask and gain heavy traffic, but not as much compared to the ones in Django.

Is Python Flask back end?

Flask is a back-end framework, which means that it provides the technologies, tools, and modules that can be used to build the actual functionalities of the web app rather than the design or look of it. Flask is considered one of the easiest frameworks to learn for beginners.

1 Answers

Flask is a new and a very active project with good documentation and guidelines for new development and plugins. Its community is quite large and Armin (the lead) is an A grade programmer. Hence it is definitely the better contender.

Web.py is an older and more mature project which is more a library than a framework. It's what we use for the Internet Archives Open Library website. The documentation is spotty but the code is rock solid and it's over the years accrued a lot of useful utilities into it.

The final decision is yours but for a new project, I'd go with Flask.

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Noufal Ibrahim Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Noufal Ibrahim