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Webpacker configuration file not found - Rails 6.0.0

People also ask

How do I add a Webpacker in Rails 6?

To include Webpacker in a new project, add --webpack to the rails new command. To add Webpacker to an existing project, add the webpacker gem to the project's Gemfile , run bundle install , and then run bin/rails webpacker:install . The installation also calls the yarn package manager, creates a package.

What is Javascript_pack_tag?

Method: Webpacker::Helper#javascript_pack_tagCreates a script tag that references the named pack file, as compiled by webpack per the entries list in package/environments/base. js. By default, this list is auto-generated to match everything in app/javascript/packs/*. js.

What is Web Packer?

Webpacker is a gem which allows easy integration of JavaScript pre-processor and bundler with Rails. It provides various helpers and configuration options to use webpack easily with Rails.

Since Rails 6, Webpacker is the default JavaScript compiler. So you'll also have to set it up before starting your Rails server.

  1. Install yarn using your OS package manager, or take a look at https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install
  2. Set it up rails webpacker:install
  3. Make sure all packages are up to date yarn install --check-files
  4. Start your Rails server rails s


To add onto what has been said, make sure to check the error message for instructions on how to go about resolving the issue. In this case the error says:

..."Please run rails webpacker:install"...

Once you run rails webpacker:install you'll see the error that you don't have yarn installed, in which case you can go to the Installation Instructions to figure out how to install yarn for your operating system. For unix (I'm on a unix Amazon Cloud9 environment) I had to run:

curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash

Then I was able to successfully run rails webpacker:install and then once I ran rails server I saw the error:

  Your Yarn packages are out of date!
  Please run `yarn install --check-files` to update.

After that was installed, rails s worked just fine.

I hope that gives more insight into how to go about "debugging" the issue!

After installing Rails, and setting up new application, once i tried to run rails server, i faced this error. I checked config/ and webpack configuration file was missing.

Following way i could fix it and made it working 100%.

Go to root directory of your rails application and follow instruction below.

Install webpacker

bundle exec rails webpacker:install



  • If your system doesn't have nodejs, you need to install nodejs from https://nodejs.org/en/download/

  • Once Nodejs is installed, it might throw another error, yarn not installed in that case, Run command

npm install --global yarn

and after sorting all above, i was able to run rails server and thus working.

enter image description here

Above command was performed in MacOS Mojave, Please check corresponding OS command to install both node/yarn before proceeding.

To see complete installation and running instruction you can check: https://medium.com/intelligent-computing/up-and-running-your-first-ruby-on-rails-app-with-troubleshooting-83e694d87605