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Webpack. Theming fallback



Is it possible to resolve theming path as fallback with webpack?

So let's say I have next structure:

    ├── componentA/
    │   └─ index.js
    └── themes/
        └── woot/
            └── componentA/
                └── index.js

And I do import

    import ComponentA from 'app/componentA/index.js';

Then depending on build I want to receive next:

  1. for webpackapp/componentA/index.js
  2. for THEME="woot" webpackapp/themes/woot/componentA/index.js

Thank you

like image 636
gotbahn Avatar asked Aug 20 '17 07:08


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A loader in webpack is a function that transforms a source code of imported modules. Loaders are the heart and soul of how webpack compiles TypeScript to JavaScript, turns SASS into CSS, and JSX into React. createElement calls. In fact, webpack doesn't really do all that, loaders do!

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1 Answers

It should be something like that... I didn't test, but I think it could represent a good starting point.

look at NormalModuleReplacementPlugin

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = env => {
  const theme = env.theme || null;

  const configs = Object.create(null);

  configs.plugins = [];

  if(theme) {
    const theming = new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(
    /(.*)Components\/index/, (resource) => {

        resource.request = resource
          .replace(/Components\/index/, `Components\/${theme}\/index`);


  return Promise

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "webpack": "webpack --config webpack.config.js"

// cli
npm run webpack -- --env.theme=Dark
like image 91
Hitmands Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
