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Webpack resolve.root and TypeScript loader

Our project is using the webpack resolve.root option to import modules with absolute paths. (avoiding something like ../../../module)
In its current state the project is using babel-loader which works perfectly fine.
My task is to migrate the app to Angular 2.
Therefor I am currently in the process of transitioning to TypeScript.
Somehow it seems like the ts-loader does not work in combination with the resolve.root option of the webpack config.

Example of the webpack.config.js

resolve: {
    root: [

Example of a module import
import AbstractListState from 'states/abstract_list_state';

The states directory is inside the app/lib directory.

Error when executing webpack

ERROR in ./app/mainViews/panel/panel.controller.ts
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'states/abstract_list_state' in C:\Users\...\Project\app\mainViews\panel
 @ ./app/mainViews/panel/panel.controller.ts 4:28-65
like image 530
Marc Avatar asked Jul 01 '16 08:07


People also ask

Does TSC use webpack?

Like Babel, Webpack depends on TSC to transpile TypeScript to JavaScript but as TSC doesn't have a clue about Webpack, hence Webpack needs a loader to talk to TSC. This is where the ts-loader comes into play. Webpack compiles a TypeScript file using ts-loader package which asks TSC to do the compilation.

Does webpack work with TypeScript?

With webpack, TypeScript code is compiled into a JavaScript file that is browser-friendly. With webpack loaders, you can also convert SASS and LESS files into a single CSS bundle file.

Does ts-loader use Tsconfig?

ts-loader uses tsc , the TypeScript compiler, and relies on your tsconfig. json configuration. Make sure to avoid setting module to "CommonJS", or webpack won't be able to tree-shake your code.

Do I need Babel with ts-loader?

If you need custom transformations, you'll need to use Babel. The good news is that most TypeScript tools allow you to both use TypeScript and then run the code through Babel afterwards, to get the best of both worlds. But this obviously comes with additional complexity in your build-chain.

1 Answers

Pre version 2.0 TypeScript will try to load modules with an absolute path from the node_modules directory. This is because TypeScript's module resultion is per default set to "node". Which means it works like node's require method. So, even if you're using webpack to build your app, TypeScript (and its compiler) will still want to load the files.

In order to let webpack import your modules with absolute path you have to go back and use the require method. This way TypeScript will let webpack import stuff. But of course you will not get any type-inference, autocomplete, ...

Or, you update to the TypeScript 2.0 beta and give this a try: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/What%27s-new-in-TypeScript#module-resolution-enhancements-baseurl-path-mapping-rootdirs-and-tracing

like image 132
Sebastian Sebald Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 00:10

Sebastian Sebald