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Webpack: node_modules/css/index.js didn't return a function

I'm trying out webpack for the first time and used this tutorial to get started and include react.js.

After finishing the steps and installing the style and css module I keep getting an error that the css module didn't return a function.

This is my index.jsx:

/** @jsx React.DOM */

'use strict';


var React = require('react');
var Hello = require('./Test/Hello');

React.render(<Hello />, document.getElementById('content'));

And my webpack config file:

module.exports = {
    entry: './ui/src/index.jsx',
    output: {
        path: __dirname + '/build-ui',
        filename: 'app.js', //this is the default name, so you can skip it
        //at this directory our bundle file will be available
        //make sure port 8090 is used when launching webpack-dev-server
        publicPath: 'http://localhost:8090/assets'
    module: {
        loaders: [
                //tell webpack to use jsx-loader for all *.jsx files
                test: /\.jsx$/,
                loader: 'jsx-loader?insertPragma=React.DOM&harmony'
                test: /\.css$/,
                loader: "style!css"
                test: /\.scss$/,
                loader: "style!css!sass"
    externals: {
        //don't bundle the 'react' npm package with our bundle.js
        //but get it from a global 'React' variable
        'react': 'React'
    resolve: {
        extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx']

When webpack tries to bundle the project it always states the following error:

ERROR in Loader /Users/Johannes/Documents/Development/holmes/node_modules/css/index.js didn't return a function
 @ ./ui/src/index.jsx 5:0-31

I don't know what to do about that. Has anyone encountered that issue? And how can I solve it?

EDIT: My directory looks as follows:

like image 234
Johannes Klauß Avatar asked Apr 26 '15 21:04

Johannes Klauß

2 Answers

This error is caused by a css module inside node_modules. Since you've specified the css-loader in your config, webpack tries to lookup that loader inside node_modules and finds another module called css which doesn't look like a loader (hence the error message).

To avoid confusion you should simply add the -loader postfix to each loader. Omitting the -loader postfix is just a convenience feature by webpack, but unfortunately it's the culprit of that error in your case.

    loaders: [
            //tell webpack to use jsx-loader for all *.jsx files
            test: /\.jsx$/,
            loader: 'jsx-loader?insertPragma=React.DOM&harmony'
            test: /\.css$/,
            loader: "style-loader!css-loader"
            test: /\.scss$/,
            loader: "style-loader!css-loader!sass-loader"

Update: Starting with webpack 2, you can't omit the -loader postfix anymore. We decided to do this to prevent errors like this.

like image 191
Johannes Ewald Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 10:11

Johannes Ewald

I had a similar issue with react-flexbox-grid. In my case, the solution was installing css-loader and style-loader npm modules:

npm install css-loader style-loader --save-dev
like image 33
Guilherme Garnier Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 10:11

Guilherme Garnier