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__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_react_dom___default.a.createPortal is not a function

The Error:

TypeError: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_react_dom___default.a.createPortal is not a function

  11 | 
  12 | 
  13 | function Modal(props) {
> 14 |   return ReactDOM.createPortal(JSX_MODAL, document.querySelector("#modal"));
  15 | }
  16 | 
  17 | 

The code:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

const JSX_MODAL = (
  <div className="ui dimmer modals visible active">  
    <div className="ui standard modal visible active">
      THIS IS SOME TEXT IN THE MODAL // add some UI features here

function Modal(props) {
  return ReactDOM.createPortal(JSX_MODAL, document.querySelector("#modal"));

export default Modal;

Which is called up in the render function on another component using {Modal()}.

index.html (body section only):

  <div id="root"></div>
  <div id="modal"></div>


"react": "^16.8.6
"react-dom": "^16.0.0-alpha.13",


I am trying to use React portals to render content for a modal to it's own DOM node. I was following this tutorial, which basically presents a simplified proof of concept for what is presented in the React Docs.

What I have tried:

I could only find one instance of people experiencing a similar issue, and they were able to resolve it by installing a version of React > 16.3.0. I am running React version 16.8.6.

like image 929
chrispalmo Avatar asked Mar 09 '20 09:03


1 Answers

I had this error, though it was a simple fix. I had stated:

import ReactDOM from 'react';

instead of:

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

Although it doesn't answer the original poster's issue, it may answer for future developers.

like image 168
jamesthemullet Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
