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Webpack error, Loading chunk failed


Stack: Webpack 4.16.0, Node8, Vuejs2

I am seeing the below error, whilst serving my Vuejs application.

Error: Loading chunk 4 failed. (missing: https://myapp.com/ui.chunk.bundle.js)     at HTMLScriptElement.s (demo:1) 

This error is consistent across builds, the actual file itself is accesible via the URL.

I am using code splitting via import() and the initial app loads fine, but then the flow will break when another chunk is loaded, it can also vary between ui.chunk.bundle.js & vendors~ui.chunk.bundle.js.

When building for production, a new error is shown, but it seems related as also linked to loading modules:

demo:1 TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined     at o (demo:1)     at Object.349 (ui.chunk.bundle.js:1)     at o (demo:1)     at o.t (demo:1) 

I have tried upgrading webpack and babel, but am at a loss as to what this could be down to as it was working perfectly fine before.

When running the application on my local machine and not Google App Engine, everything seems fine.

How the app is loaded: It is loaded into other website via a script tag, so domainA.com runs the script tag which calls myapp.com/js and the flow begins, i.e the app loads various chunks based on some logic.

When accessing the webpack generated index page bundle at myapp.com everything loads correctly.

Please help!

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dendog Avatar asked Jul 12 '18 06:07


People also ask

What is ChunkLoadError?

A "ChunkLoadError" generally means that a checksum failed for a javascript file. These errors occur when the browser requests a JS code chunk, and receives a response whose checksum does not match the expected “integrity=…” attribute associated with the <script> tag that refers to it.

What are chunks in Webpack?

Chunk: This webpack-specific term is used internally to manage the bundling process. Bundles are composed out of chunks, of which there are several types (e.g. entry and child).

What is Vendors main chunk JS in react?

chunk. js represents all the libraries used in our application. It's essentially all the vendor codes imported from the node_modules folder. Main.

What are chunk JS files?

chunk. js files are for third-party libraries like the react , axios , and formik library code that is imported to the application. Code splitting technique will also create a chunk. js file, so you need to check the file and see if the chunk is for node_modules code or your application code. There's also one chunk.

2 Answers

That is rather deep and surely not easily fixed in two steps, best you create a new project using cli, if convenient with recommended presets, and if it still persist check the npm packages you installed and make sure none of them are discontinued and are up-to-date at least according to your version of vue.

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UPanda Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09


Its might be due to "webpack.config.js" where you can just try with updating output object

module.exports = {   output: {     chunkFilename: '[id].chunk.[chunkhash].js',   } }; 

Hope it should work!

like image 31
Enthusiastic coder Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 21:09

Enthusiastic coder