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Webpack 4 and react loadable does not seems to create correct chunk for server side rendering


I am trying to create an ssr react app with lazy loading import. Everything works fine except it does not fetch all the required chunks.

I am also wondering if this is related to a dynamic component, which is base on server response

Edit - It actually renders all the required chunks but it wipes out the whole thing when client-side takes over and renders again

Since it re-renders all it slows down by a lot.

enter image description here

The parser happens on server-side and when client-side takes over it fetches more server.js

 const history = createHistory({
    initialEntries: [urlPath],
  // const history = createHistory()
  const store = configureStore(history, {
    location: {


  const context = {}
  const htmlRoot = (
    <Provider store={store}>
      <StaticRouter location={urlPath} context={context}>
        <AppRoot />

  // pre fetching data from api
    .done.then(() => {

        const RTS = renderToString(htmlRoot) + printDrainHydrateMarks()
        const head = Helmet.renderStatic() 

        res.status(code).send(renderDom(RTS, port, host, storeState, head))
    .catch(e => {


} else {

Prod Server

Loadable.preloadAll().then(() => {
  app.listen(PROD_PORT, (error) => {


Client side

Loadable.preloadReady().then(() => {
      <Provider store={store}>
        <ConnectedRouter history={history}>
          <AppRoot />

Split Chunks setup

    styles: {
      name: 'styles',
      test: /\.css$/,
      chunks: 'all',
      enforce: true

Any opinion or advice is welcome please

Someone suggested to try with window.onload = () => { but this approach seems slow down as well.

like image 952
fiddlest Avatar asked Sep 06 '18 15:09


1 Answers

You should use ReactLoadablePlugin to have a list of loadable imports:

new ReactLoadablePlugin({
  filename: './build/react-loadable.json',

Using "react loadable capture", you can find out which dynamic components are needed while rendering and you can add their bundles to your header file:

const content = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
  <Loadable.Capture report={moduleName => modules.push(moduleName)}>
    <Provider store={configureStore()}>
      <StaticRouter location={req.url} context={context}>
        <App />


  let bundles = getBundles(stats, modules);
  bundles.map((item) => {
      //add js to header

This prevents react loadable from wiping out the content and rerendering it.

To config the Webpack to output right chunk based on dynamically loaded component do this:

 optimization: {
    splitChunks: {
      cacheGroups: {
          default: false,
          vendors: false,

This configuration works for me in Webpack v4.

You can find a complete documentation to work with React loadable server-side rendering here:


like image 101
Hadi Ranjbar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Hadi Ranjbar