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Webflux Webclient escape slash in URL

I need to include a slash in an URL to access RabbitMQ API and I'm trying to fetch data using WebClient:


When I replace / with %2F I can see in the request descriptor that %2F has been changed to %252F and because of it I'm getting not found response.

I've tried the following options:

"\\/" - WebClient changes to %5C but Rabbit doesn't interpret it correctly and returns 404.

"%5C" - WebClient changes to %255C, Rabbit returns 404.

How can I persist %2F in an url using WebClient?

like image 342
Michael Dz Avatar asked Apr 17 '20 12:04

Michael Dz

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2 Answers

By default it will always encode the URL, so I can see two options

  1. Completely ignore the baseUrl method and pass a fully qualified URL into the uri method which will override the baseUrl method.

         .uri(URI.create( "https://RABBIT_HOSTNAME/api/queues/%2F/QUEUE_NAME"))
  2. Create your own custom UriBuilderFactory, map a Uri, and set the encoding to NONE

    public class CustomUriBuilderFactory extends DefaultUriBuilderFactory {
        public CustomUriBuilderFactory(String baseUriTemplate) {

    and then you can use uriBuilderFactory of baseUrl, which will allow you to still use uri for just the uri part

                new CustomUriBuilderFactory(
like image 71
123 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09


You can implement this:

URI uri = URI.create("%2F");


        .uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder.pathSegment(uri.getPath(), "QUEUE_NAME").build())...
like image 45
V. Mokrecov Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 02:09

V. Mokrecov