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Web Application Testing for .Net (WatiN Test Recorder)

I've been using WatiN as a testing tool for my current project. Besides the minor bugs with the Test Recorder, I've been able to use it and automate a lot of my tests in conjunction with NUnit. Anyone else out there with experience with different tools they might suggest?

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Mac Avatar asked Aug 18 '08 18:08


2 Answers

I have used Selenium before and hooked it into CruiseControl.NET and while it has it's quirks worked quite well.

Here are some useful links.






Cheers John

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solrevdev Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10


I have used:

  • WatiN
  • AutomatedQA TestComplete

All of them have had their purpose and are very good tools.

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Dale Ragan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10

Dale Ragan