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Web Application Development Process [closed]

What have you guys found to good approaches to developing web applications?

For example, do you start with the user interface and then begin adding function? Do you focus on a single resource and code everything around it before moving on to the next? Or do you go layer by layer, starting with the model/DB layer and building up?

I'm working alone.

like image 852
GeekJock Avatar asked Apr 06 '09 22:04


1 Answers

"user stories" > prototype > design > coding > iteration1 > iteration2 > ... > release

Here is a good example of iterations:


Scroll down to "ASP.NET MVC Contact Manager Sample Application", it looks like:

  • Iteration #1 - Create the application
  • Iteration #2 - Make the application look nice
  • Iteration #3 - Add form validation
  • Iteration #4 - Make the application loosely coupled
  • Iteration #5 - Create unit tests
  • Iteration #6 - Use test driven development
  • Iteration #7 - Add Ajax functionality
like image 153
Konstantin Tarkus Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Konstantin Tarkus