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Web API 2 and ASP Identity - Handling of locked out users

I just migrated my web app (ASP.NET MVC) to ASP Identity.

Everything works fine after quite some work, except the API which the web app provides. This is a WEB API 2, and it is using the bearer token mechanism to authenticate users. The authentication itself also works fine. but: When a user is locked out, the token for the user is still issued via the API-token-endpoint.

Is there a suggested way to handle this? I did not find any example...


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mavo Avatar asked Jun 13 '14 19:06


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To unlock an account, just call the UnlockUser method and provide an email address. It will find the user based on the email address, set the lockout enabled flag to false and then set the lockout end date to one minute in the past. The result of this method indicates if the change was successful.

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1 Answers

Ok, that was a stupid one... I see clearer now :)

I had it all the time in front of my eyes: The Web-Api2-Template includes a class "ApplicationOAuthProvider". This one allows several places to intercept the pipe... I chose the method "GrantResourceOwnerCredentials" which was already overriden, and there I checked if the user is locked out, directly after the password check.

Sorry, hope it helps someone.

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mavo Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10
