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WeasyPrint always generating single-page PDFs from Zurb Ink

Generating a PDF from an email (Zurb Ink templated); but am always presented with a single page PDF.

Runnable test-case:

from weasyprint import HTML, CSS
from urllib2 import urlopen

if __name__ == '__main__':
    html = urlopen('http://zurb.com/ink/downloads/templates/basic.html').read()
    html = html.replace('<p class=\"lead\">', '{0}<p class=\"lead\">'.format(
        '<p class=\"lead\">{0}</p>'.format("foobar " * 50) * 50))
    HTML(string=html).write_pdf('foo.pdf', stylesheets=[
                                  CSS(string='@page { size: A4; margin: 2cm };'
                                             '* { float: none !important; };'
                                             '@media print { nav { display: none; } }')

How do I get a multi-page PDF?

like image 845
A T Avatar asked May 27 '14 03:05


1 Answers

Updated Answer:

Try adding this whenever you wish to have a page-break in your document.

<p style="page-break-before: always" ></p>

Old Answer:

<!-- this is the container div -->

If your html has the above structure then weasyprint will try to fit all of your 'container'content in one page.

First solution I have in mind right now: split your html in 2 separate div-s. Each div should be no longer than the page size.

like image 91
user1422535 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 17:10
