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WCF Test Client says Added Service Successfully but shows nothing



I opened C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE

I added http://localhost:44652/MyService.svc

It says added successfully but I see absolutely nothing in the test client, it looks the same as if I first opened it.

Not sure why it would do that. Here's my PC setup:

  • Windows 7 64 bit
  • VS 2012
  • WCF 4
  • I am using WebGet and WebInvoke for the REST portion but we want to also support wsdl
like image 898
PositiveGuy Avatar asked Oct 21 '13 15:10


People also ask

How do I run a WCF service test client?

Test the ServiceFrom the main menu, click DEBUG > Start Without Debugging. This starts the service and invokes the WCF Test Client window. The left pane shows the endpoint for your service and the operations that are exposed.

2 Answers

1) Please go to your browser and go to


You should see a web page that says "There is a service here."

2) Then you can use advanced rest service client by google chrome to test your service

like image 180
Charlie Ou Yang Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11

Charlie Ou Yang

Web endpoints (aka REST) do not expose metadata that the WCF Test Client can understand. There's a similar issue discussed here.

like image 25
Dan Csharpster Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11

Dan Csharpster