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WCF Reference Sheet [closed]



Can i get WCF Cheat Sheet or (Ref Card) any where?

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missu Avatar asked Jan 20 '10 13:01


People also ask

How can I take WCF service without adding references?

Right click on the Solution Explorer of "WCFDemo" and go to Add > New Project. In the "New Project" dialog box, under Project types, expand Visual C#, and then click on WCF. Select "WCF Service Application" and in the Name box, type "WCFService". Click "OK".

Is Grpc faster than WCF?

What can we do to make GRPC run a little faster/leaner? GRPC is better than WCF in terms of performance. You can refer to the following link, which compares WCF with GRPC.learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/…

Is WCF supported in .NET 5?

NET Core and . NET 5 support calling WCF services, but won't offer server-side support for hosting WCF. There are two recommended paths for modernizing WCF apps: gRPC is built on modern technologies and has emerged as the most popular choice across the developer community for RPC apps.

What is CoreWCF?

CoreWCF is a port of the service side of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to . NET Core. The goal of this project is to enable existing WCF services to move to . NET Core.

1 Answers

Didn't find any specific crib cards around when I looked a few months back, but the following post by Farooq Kaiser was useful for me!!


I also found Kirk Evans blog entry had some useful links when I started learning about WCF (its a little old but might be a good starting point)


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Aim Kai Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Aim Kai