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WCF performance net.tcp versus namedpipes

What the performance benefit is of switching from net.tcp to named pipes binding?

Asking since we have had some problems getting named pipes to work, and therefore wondering if it is worth the effort.

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Shiraz Bhaiji Avatar asked Apr 03 '09 07:04

Shiraz Bhaiji

1 Answers

In chapter one of Programming WCF Services, Juval Lowy provides this flowchart for choosing the right binding:

enter image description here

Please see:

  • A Performance Comparison of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) with Existing Distributed Communication Technologies - MSDN article.

  • What is the best choice for .NET inter-process communication?

  • WCF Binding Performance

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Mitch Wheat Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Mitch Wheat