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WARNING : No target specified, deploying to emulator

I'm trying to run an ionic app on my mobile phone (Android 4.4.2). USB-Debugging is activated.

When i run the command "ionic emulate android" everything works fine and the app is opend in the emulator.

But when I run the commad "ionic run android" I get following warning:

WARNING : No target specified, deploying to emulator

and the app is started on the virtual device...

Shouldn't the app run on my mobile phone? What am I doing wrong? How can I specify the target?

P.S.: When I copy the .apk file to the phone I can run the app.

like image 933
Klaus Ertl Avatar asked Mar 09 '15 14:03

Klaus Ertl

2 Answers

I had another developer tool opened (Chrome Inspect) and it "ate" the connection. In my case, just closing the Chrome Inspect panel and running ionic run android worked.

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tomasbedrich Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10


I solved the problem.

Here is what I did: I typed into the command line: adb devices (located in the "platform-tools" folder in the Android SDK) which returned me an empty list.

So I installed my phone's drivers, which I downloaded from the vendors homepage.

Now the list contains my device and the app is started on my mobile phone.

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Klaus Ertl Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10

Klaus Ertl