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Warning: Failed to connect to the agentx master agent ([NIL])




I have installed net-snmp5.7.2 on my system, I have written my app_agent.conf for my application and

agentXSocket    udp:X.X.X.X:1610

and exported SNMPCONFIGPATH=path_to_app_agent.conf

I have also wrtten snmpd.conf in /usr/etc/snmp/snmp.conf

trap2sink  X.X.X.Y 
agentXSocket    udp:X.X.X.X:1610

I have two more snmpd.conf present in my /etc/snmp/ and /var/net-snmp/

Config from /etc/snmp:

com2sec notConfigUser  default       public
com2sec notConfigUser  v1            notConfigUser
com2sec notConfigUser  v1            notConfigUser
view    systemview    included   .
view    systemview    included   .
access notConfigGroup "" any noauth exact systemview none none 
pass . /usr/bin/ucd5820stat

Config from /var/net-snmp:

   setserialno 1322276014
   ifXTable .1 14:0 18:0x $
   ifXTable .2 14:0 18:0x $
   ifXTable .3 14:0 18:0x $
   engineBoots 14
   oldEngineID 0x80001f888000e17f6964b28450

I have started snmpd and snmptrapd. Now in my code I am calling


init_snmp is throwing a warning

Warning: Failed to connect to the agentx master agent ([NIL]):

I have no idea why?? Thanks in advance for any help

like image 440
Sudip Avatar asked Jan 16 '23 03:01


1 Answers

This is basically saying the sub-agent you wrote failed to connect to NetSNMP master agent, as the message suggested. In Linux, by default agentx will attempt to make the connection via socket using /var/agentx/master. The following hint might help:

  1. Running your sub-agent under appropriate privilege that has access to sockets e.x. sudo
  2. Check socket setting in your snmpd.conf (which located varies) if not already specified, such as agentxsocket /var/agentx/master and agentxperms 777 777
  3. Restart NetSNMP for any change to take effect with sudo service snmpd restart; or as an option you can try stop the service with sudo service snmpd stop and run an instance with debugging mode snmpd -f -Lo -Dagentx which most likely will output useful information on sub-agent connection.
like image 166
James Liu Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 19:02

James Liu