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Want to change colour of Xcode highlighted files in Project Navigator




I have a rather simple question. For some reason, I have discovered that when I highlight a file in Xcode in the Project Navigator, the highlighted file is white, instead of dark black. Is there a way for me to change this?

Here is an example of what is happening:

enter image description here

As you can see, the file that is selected is highlighted as white, and I want it to be black as it always used to be. Is this possible?

like image 265
syedfa Avatar asked May 29 '16 00:05


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1 Answers

This Is a common Xcode problem.

You can easily fix it when it happens by pressing Cmd+0 two times (one to hide the Navigator and one to show it again).

like image 61
Constantine Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
