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Wamp server error. could not execute run action

I am trying to start wamp serve which was totally running fine on my laptop two weeks ago, but now after two weeks I suddenly get this error:

could not execute menu item(internal error)[exception] could not execute run action: the directory name is invalid

When I click on wamp, then I go to apache, then I select service then test port 80 and this is what I see:

enter image description here

when I write localhost, it goes there but when I click on Localhost and phpMyAdmin, i get this error: enter image description here

please tel me how I can fix this . thanks

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S. N Avatar asked Dec 01 '22 18:12

S. N

2 Answers

WAMP is trying to open your browser, but the directory in the settings is not correct. It could be that your browser is now located somewhere else. To fix this:

  1. Edit the file wampmanager.conf inside your wamp direcotry.
  2. Replace the full file path under the [main] section for the navigator parameter
  3. Save the file
  4. Right-click on the wamp icon and select refresh
  5. Try it now

Good luck!

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Lariar Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 03:12


The paths are incorrect in multiple ini files and the wampmanager conf file. Here are the ones I changed since my installed moved from g drive to e drive. I had to change all instances of g:/ to e:/ as well as my chrome.exe location

wampmanager.conf: in the [main] section update the path of chrome.exe or ensure it is correct.

wampmanager.ini: change all instances of g:/ to e:/ (or whatever your install drive letter is)

php.ini (under /wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/) again, change all instances of g:/ to e:/ (change to your install letter)

Wampmanager started correctly once these changes were made.

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John Ruperto Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 03:12

John Ruperto