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Waiting for models to load before rendering app in Ember.js

I have a number of different application-level models — i.e., current user, current account, etc. — that I want to load before rendering my application. How and where should this be done? This question/answer helped a lot, but it doesn't cover the async aspect.

The following code accomplishes what I want, but loading the models in beforeModel (to take advantage of it waiting for the promise to resolve) doesn't seem right. Should I even be loading these models in ApplicationRoute?

App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  currentAccount: null

App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  beforeModel: function () {
    var self = this;

    return App.Account.find(...).then(function (account) {
      self.controllerFor('application').set('currentAccount', account);

Thanks for your help!

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Justin Stayton Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 13:08

Justin Stayton

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1 Answers

The trick is to return a promise from the route's model method.
This will cause the router to transition into App.LoadingRoute route, until the promise resolves (which can be used for loading indication bars/wheels etc.)
When the promise resolves, the App.LoadingRoute will be deactivated, and the original route's setupController method will be called.
This works for ember-data promises, JQuery's $.ajax promises and ember-model's fetch promises.
Just make sure you return the actual model after resolving the promise.
This can also be a good place to handle errors if the promise is rejected - but I'll leave that to some other question.

As for where you should load your models - that is dependent on your app's usage.
Usually you would load a model where the URL indicates you need that model - a rule of thumb would be the indication of a model ID in the URL.
This of course changes if you need to prefetch some data.

And now for some code:

App.SomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
   model: function(params){
       return App.SomeModel.fetch(params.model_id).then(function(modelData){
           // it is better to return the actual model here, and not the promise itself
           return App.SomeModel.find(params.model_id);

   setupController: function(controller, model){
       controller.set("model", model);
       // do some controller setup here - can be omitted if no setup is needed
       // this will run only after the promise has been resolved.

App.LoadingRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
        activate: function(){
            // add some loading indication here
        deactivate: function(){
            // remove loading indication

Hope this helps.

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Meori Oransky Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 00:10

Meori Oransky