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Wait on asynchronous Future call before processing next message in Akka





When receiving events, Akka Actors will process one message at a time, blocking until a request has been completed before moving onto the next message.

This works well for synchronous/blocking tasks, however if I want to perform an asynchronous/non-blocking request, Akka will continue processing without waiting for the task to complete.

For example:

 def doThing():Future[Unit] = /* Non blocking request here */

 def receive = {
     case DoThing => doThing() pipeTo sender

This will call doThing() and start processing the future, but will not wait for it to complete before processing the next message - it will simple execute the next messages in the queue as fast as possible.

In essence, it appears that Akka considers "returning a future" to be "finished processing" and moves onto the next message.

In order to process one message at a time, it appears I need to actively block the Actor thread to stop it doing so

def receive = {
    case DoThing => sender ! blocking(Await.result(doThing()))

This feels like a very wrong approach - It's artificially blocking a thread in code that should otherwise be completely non-blocking.

When comparing Akka to, say, Elixir actors, we can easily avoid this problem in the first place by using a tail call to request the next message without needing to artificially block.

Is there any way in Akka to either

a) Wait for a Future to complete before processing the next message without blocking the thread.

b) Use an explicit tail call or some other mechanism to use a pull-based workflow instead of push based?

like image 529
James Davies Avatar asked Apr 13 '16 07:04

James Davies

2 Answers

Like it was suggested in the comments, you can use the Stash (http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/scala/actors.html#Stash) trait to store incoming messages as you wait for the Future to resolve.

It's required to save the current sender so that you don't improperly close over the sender actor reference. You can achieve this through a simple case class like the one defined below.

class MyActor extends Actor with Stash {

  import context.dispatcher

  // Save the correct sender ref by using something like
  // case class WrappedFuture(senderRef: ActorRef, result: Any)
  def doThing(): Future[WrappedFuture] = ???

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case msg: DoThing =>
      doThing() pipeTo self

        case WrappedFuture(senderRef, result) =>
          senderRef ! result
        case newMsg: DoThing =>
      }, discardOld = false)
like image 141
David Caseria Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 11:10

David Caseria

With Akka Streams, you could use mapAsync:

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream._
import akka.stream.scaladsl._
import scala.concurrent.Future

implicit val system = ActorSystem("ThingDoer")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val ec = system.dispatcher

case object DoThing

def doThing(): Future[Unit] = Future {
  println("doing its thing")

Source((1 to 10).map(_ => DoThing))
  .mapAsync(parallelism = 1)(_ => doThing())
like image 32
Jeffrey Chung Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10

Jeffrey Chung