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Wait for LiveData result in a Kotlin coroutine

I have a repository class with an asynchronous method returning User wrapped into a LiveData:

interface Repository {
    fun getUser(): LiveData<User>

In a ViewModel's coruotine scope I want to wait for a result of getUser() method and use an User instance.

this is what, I am looking for:

private fun process() = viewModelScope.launch {
   val user = repository.getUser().await()
   // do something with a user instance

I could not find LiveData<>.await() extension method, and any attempts to implement it. So before doing it my self, I wonder maybe there is some better way?

All solutions that I have found were about making getUser() a suspend method, but what if I can not change Repository?

like image 894
nsk Avatar asked Jun 19 '20 16:06


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1 Answers

You should be able to create an await() extension function using suspendCancellableCoroutine(). This probably is not exactly correct, but something along these lines should work:

public suspend fun <T> LiveData<T>.await(): T {
  return withContext(Dispatchers.Main.immediate) {
    suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
      val observer = object : Observer<T> {
        override fun onChanged(value: T) {


      continuation.invokeOnCancellation {

This should return the first value emitted by the LiveData, without leaving an observer behind.

like image 188
CommonsWare Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11
