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Wait for css transition [duplicate]

I am using css transitions to set the margin of one of my div. I need to know how can I wait for this effect to end so I can call other function then... Is there any way? I read some other posts on stack overflow but they all look different from my problem.

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Ricardo Neves Avatar asked Mar 25 '13 14:03

Ricardo Neves

2 Answers

Try This SO answer

The transition listner events vary in each browser, so the below function will find which listener to use and return the correct one.

function whichTransitionEvent(){
    var t;
    var el = document.createElement('fakeelement');
    var transitions = {

    for(t in transitions){
        if( el.style[t] !== undefined ){
            return transitions[t];

var transitionEnd = whichTransitionEvent();
element.addEventListener(transitionEnd, theFunctionToInvoke, false);

function theFunctionToInvoke(){
// set margin of div here
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What have you tried Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 12:11

What have you tried

You could do it two ways (assuming the transition takes 1 second in each example):

1.) Animate that element with jQuery.animate (instead of CSS transition):

    'margin-left': '10px',
}, {
    duration: 1000,
    complete: function () {
        // do stuff after animation has finished here

2.) Animate after a set period of time:

window.setTimeout(function () {
    // do stuff after animation has finished here
}, 1000);

EDIT: I understand that #2 is a bad solution, but I will keep this up in case other people were thinking down the same path I was.

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Vinay Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 10:11
