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Vuex nested objects

I am working on a app in vue right now that has an object with a few nested objects. Right now in my school object in the user object I can display the school object, but when I try to get the name attribute of the school object I get undefined for the name attribute when it has a value.

This is my state of the application:

 "user": {
  "user": {
   "name": "Test",
   "email": "[email protected]",
   "avatar": "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/xxxx=300",
   "city": null,
   "state": null,
   "zip": null,
   "address": null,
   "lat": null,
   "long": null,
   "school": {
    "id": 1,
    "about": null,
    "header": null,
    "name": "Test",
    "user_id": 1,
    "created_at": "2018-06-06 19:48:16",
    "updated_at": "2018-06-06 19:48:16"
   "following": [],
   "followers": [],
   "social_networks": [{
    "id": 4,
    "user_id": 1,
    "social_network_id": 1,
    "network_url": "test.com/k",
    "created_at": "2018-06-06 23:11:09",
    "updated_at": "2018-06-06 23:15:19"
   }, {
    "id": 5,
    "user_id": 1,
    "social_network_id": 2,
    "network_url": "test.com/k",
    "created_at": "2018-06-06 23:15:19",
    "updated_at": "2018-06-06 23:15:19"
   }, {
    "id": 6,
    "user_id": 1,
    "social_network_id": 5,
    "network_url": "test.com/k",
    "created_at": "2018-06-06 23:16:15",
    "updated_at": "2018-06-06 23:16:15"
 "socialNetowrks": {
  "available_networks": [{
   "id": 1,
   "network_name": "Facebook",
   "created_at": null,
   "updated_at": null
  }, {
   "id": 2,
   "network_name": "Instagram",
   "created_at": null,
   "updated_at": null
  }, {
   "id": 5,
   "network_name": "Twitter",
   "created_at": null,
   "updated_at": null

Here are my getters

const getters = {
        return state.user.school.name

const mutations = {
        state.user = user;

const actions = {
    getUser: ({commit}) => {
        axios.get('/user').then(response => {
            commit('FETCH_USER', response.data);


When I just return the school object I get the object

 "id": 1,
 "about": null,
 "header": null,
 "name": "Test",
 "user_id": 1,
 "created_at": "2018-06-06 19:48:16",
 "updated_at": "2018-06-06 19:48:16"

But when I return state.user.school.name I get undefined. Does Vuex not work if you have nested objects?

like image 887
John Freedom Avatar asked Jun 09 '18 01:06

John Freedom

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1 Answers

I ran in to this problem and resolved it by defining the nested object/property needed when declaring state, even if the value is empty or null to start.

So the minimum you would need to stop getting undefined for state.user.school.name would be.

const state = {
  user: {
    school: {
      name: ''

Obviously you will want to continue to expand that for other nested properties you need defined.

like image 57
Sojourner Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 00:10
