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Vuetify v-app-bar-title component is truncated with plenty of room to spare

I am using a navigation bar in my Vue/Vuetify app, and added a v-app-bar-title component to display the name of the page the user is currently on. However, when I load certain pages, the title text becomes truncated, and only corrects itself if I reload the page. Here is an example of what I mean, I added a red border to the element to show that the text should have enough room: app title truncated

If I reload the page, the tile returns to normal: enter image description here

I tried adding the text-overflow: show property to the element, but this didn't seem to have any effect. I also added a min-width property, but this failed to change the title's behavior.

EDIT: Including a little extra code:

Here's the title component I'm using:

<v-app-bar-title class="title" >{{ title }}</v-app-bar-title>

And here's the CSS for it:

.title {
  flex-grow: 10;
  color: var(--text-reverse);
  text-overflow: show;
  // border: 1px solid red;

I did find a workaround by just replacing the v-app-bar-title component with a span, but that feels cheap and I'd like to be able to utilize as much of vuetify as possible.

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Dylan Frost Avatar asked Mar 12 '21 21:03

Dylan Frost

4 Answers

Try this... It worked for me

<v-app-bar-title class="title" >
    <div>{{ title }}</div>
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Araoz Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 12:11


I found a solution that seemed to work in case it is useful:

  width: 200px !important;
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Jeff Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 14:11


try with this

 <v-app-bar-title class="text-no-wrap">{{ title }}</v-app-bar-title>
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Eduardo Jiménez Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 14:11

Eduardo Jiménez

I had the truncating issue in Safari. Chrome was working fine. I was able to fix by adding class="grow"

<v-app-bar-title class="grow">
  {{ title }}
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Felix Böhme Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 13:11

Felix Böhme