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VueJS Use prop as data-attribute value

I am really struggling with the following scenario:

Some index page:

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <div id="app">

        <li>some existing option</li>
        <example-component :foo="foo" :bar="bar"/>

      <a @click.prevent="showDetail(1, 'abc')" href="#" >Click ME!</a>


    <script src="app.js"></script>


Some single file component:

    <li><a v-show="checkBool" data-toggle="tab" class="some-class" href="#container-div" data-tab-url="{{ this.foo }}">{{ this.bar }}</a></li>

export default {

  props: ['foo', 'bar'],

  computed: {
    checkBool: function() {
      return (this.foo != undefined && this.bar != undefined )



And the app.js looks something like this:

import Vue from 'vue'

Vue.component('example-component', require('ExampleComponent.vue'));

const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',

    props: [

    data: {
      foo: '',
      bar: ''

     methods: {
      showDetail: function (foo, bar) {
        this.foo = foo,
        this.bar = bar

I am using babel with webpack under a laravel instalation.

The scenario is like this:

  • When I click the Click ME! link, foo and bar are updated and passed to the component (This part is working)
  • The computed property, named checkBool for this example becomes true, so I will then see the new list item (This part is working)
  • New list item, has a link, with the text correctly set to bar (This part is also working)

At this point I know that the values setting and communication between component and parent is working properly, however data-tab-url="{{ this.foo }}" part is driving me crazy.

Instead of parsing the moustache syntax as expected and return data-tab-url="1", I get a parsed/escaped value of everything between quotes.

Something like data-tab-url="%7B%7B+this.foo+%7D%7D".

Now, how do I prevent the encode from happening? From what I've read, there used to be a way in vuejs 1.*. Using three brackets: {{{ this.foo }}} but it's now deprecated in favor of v-html which I cannot use for my example.

like image 417
Angelin Calu Avatar asked Apr 05 '17 16:04

Angelin Calu

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2 Answers

Bind the attribute like this :data-tab-url="foo".

This will give the affected element a data-tab-url attribute with a value equal to the foo property of your component.

like image 185
thanksd Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10


thanksd's answer is right but;

for further understanding:

You can't use mustache syntax for attribute binding. Use mustache {{}} only content of a dom element, ie.

 <div>{{someValue}}</div> (THIS IS WRONG)

To bind any attribute, including template props any other attribute, such as "src" or "data-tab-url" like in question, you can use "v-bind:attr" or ":attr" shorthand, ie.

 <div v-bind:src="someDataVariable"></div>


<div v-bind:some-prop="someMethod()"></div>

You can use any member(data, method, computed etc.) of your component or Vue app, without "this".

like image 30
user1920580 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 14:10
