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VueJs templating. How to load external templates

I'm new to Vue.js, I've used AngularJS for some time and in angular we used to load templates such as,

template: '/sometemplate.html', controller: 'someCtrl' 

How can we do such a thing in Vue, instead of keeping large HTML templates inside JavaScript like this,

new Vue({   el: '#replace',   template: '<p>replaced</p>' }) 

This is OK for small templates but for large templates is this practical?

Is there a way to load external template HTML or use HTML template inside a script tag like in Vue?

<script type="x-template" id="template">HTML template goes here</html> 
like image 695
rksh Avatar asked Jul 26 '15 04:07


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1 Answers

You can use the script tag template by just referring to its id.

{   template: '#some-id' } 

Though, I highly recommend using vueify (if you use browserify) or vue-loader (if you use webpack) so you can have your components stored in nice little .vue files like this.

vue file

Also, the author of Vue wrote a nice post about the topic of external template urls:


like image 194
Bill Criswell Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 14:10

Bill Criswell