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Vue.js router - conditional component rendering



 routes: [
  path: '/',
  name: 'home',
  get component(){
      return Home
      return Login

I've added a getter and seems to work fine but any variable or function i use in the if statement is undefined. even i've tried using global prototype.$var and mixin functions still with no success.

All i need is if a user is logged in the path '/' renders Dashboard view and if not then Login is rendered to '/'.

Note: I've used beforeEnter: and it works fine. but i don't want redirection.

like image 814
user3260392 Avatar asked Feb 20 '19 15:02


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1 Answers

Using your approach this is what I found is working:

routes: [
  path: '/',
  name: 'home',
  component: function () {
      return import('../views/Home.vue')
      return import('../views/Login.vue')
like image 89
dari0h Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10
