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VueJS How to access Mounted() variables in Methods



I'm new in Vue and would like assistance on how to access and use variables created in Mounted() in my methods.

I have this code


<select class="controls" @change="getCatval()">


mounted() {
    var allcards = this.$refs.allcards;
    var mixer = mixitup(allcards);
methods: {
    getCatval() {
      var category = event.target.value;
      // I want to access mixer here;

I can't find a solution anywhere besides this example where I could call a method x from mounted() and pass mixer to it then use it inside my getCatval()

Is there an easier way to access those variables?

like image 434
Jonathan Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 11:12


1 Answers

I will first suggest you to stop using var, and use the latest, let and const to declare variable

You have to first declare a variable in data():

  return {
    allcards: "",
    mixer: ""

and then in your mounted():

mounted() {
  this.allcards = this.$refs.allcards;
  this.mixer = mixitup(this.allcards);
methods: {
  getCatval() {
    let category = event.target.value;
like image 75
Ninth Autumn Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 01:12

Ninth Autumn