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Vue.js - Element UI - How to know the state of form validation

I'm using, vue-js and element-ui

I would like to check the state of the validation of a form without having to click on a submit button



Steps to reproduce

Click on each field

The verification is triggered with the blur

Start filling the different inputs


How can I do so when the last input is validated, isFormValidated turns to true.

In other words, how can I say "If there is no field with the state error, then turn valudateState to true"


I guess we can check the validateState of each formItem of the form. But I do not see how to do it concretely.

like image 387
Léo Coco Avatar asked Oct 29 '22 07:10

Léo Coco

1 Answers

I would create a new method (say updateIsFormValidated), and bind it to the native focusout event of the form:

<el-form :model="ruleForm2" @focusout.native="updateIsFormValidated" ...>

This method will fire each time any of the inputs in the form loses focus. It will attempt to check that each field in the form component has successfully been validated, firing each 100 milliseconds if the validation status of any of the form items is still pending:

updateIsFormValidated() {
  let fields = this.$refs.ruleForm2.fields;
  if (fields.find((f) => f.validateState === 'validating')) {
    setTimeout(() => { this.updateIsFormValidated() }, 100);
  } else {
    this.isFormValidated = fields.reduce((acc, f) => {
      let valid = (f.isRequired && f.validateState === 'success');
      let notErroring = (!f.isRequired && f.validateState !== 'error');
      return acc && (valid || notErroring);
    }, true);

Here's a working fiddle.

like image 97
thanksd Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 21:01
