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Vuejs 2: how to detect img.complete property

I have code that fetches a list of images as an object like

  { src: '/path/to/img.jpg', loaded: false },

and template that then renders them as HTML like:

  v-for="image in alltheimages"
  :key="image.id" >
  <transition name="fade" appear>
    @load="image.loaded = true"

This works well when first loading the page; the images fade in as soon as they're loaded.

However there's a problem when the image is already loaded in cache because then the @load never fires on the new <img> element. In these situations I can check the DOM img tag's .complete property, but how can I do that in VueJS?

I've tried v-show="this.complete || image.loaded" but this just points to window. I thought I could use a method call and pass a reference to the element which initiated the call, but I can't find out how to do that either.

I realise I could load all the images separately with new Image(), bind a listenter to the load event before I provide src and from there update the data to say the thing is loaded, but that a whole lotta code and objects - be much nicer to be able to use the DOM elements Vue creates.

like image 382
artfulrobot Avatar asked Dec 26 '17 21:12


People also ask

How do you check if an image is loaded in VUE JS?

Approach: We are going to use an event in <img> to check whether an image is loaded or not in VueJS, the event we are going to use is: @load: The @load event gets triggered when the image is loaded and it gets executed.

How can I use img src in VUE JS?

To display an image with the img tag in vue, you can use v-bind:src directive, or :src . Or :src for short. Remember that :src expects a JavaScript expression, so if you want to use a string literal in :src you need to wrap the string in quotes.

What is SRC in VUE JS?

Aug 29, 2022. You can dynamically control the image an <img> tag displays using the v-bind:src , or :src for short, binding. This allows you to insert JavaScript in the attribute field.

1 Answers

I didn't have any luck with this method, nor with vue-images-loaded but vue-onload worked like a charm.

In main.js add:

import OnLoad from 'vue-onload'

and on the images you are loading:

  v-onload="[image src]"

then just add whatever css animation you want to to occur in your stylesheet:

 /*loaded state*/
.gallery__image {
  opacity: 1;
  transition: opacity 1s linear;

 /*unloaded state*/
  opacity: 0;
like image 125
mheavers Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
