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Vue Router Dynamically set Meta

So I have a SPA using Vue and Vue Router. It is set up like an iOS app where when you click deeper into a view the title in the navbar changes. Right now I have this hardcoded in the routes.js file but would like to make it dynmaic. I can update the route meta within my view but that renders after the view is show so I need it to happen before route change. Here is the setup:


//A route
      path: '/team/:username', 
      component: require('./views/team-single'),  
      name: 'profile', 
      meta:{ requiresAuth: true, title: 'Team Member', tabbar: false } 


//if the route has a title show that not the logo
 <div class="navbar-item">

     <transition name="fadeup">
         <h1 v-if="$route.meta.title" class="navbar-title">{{ $route.meta.title }}</h1>
         <img src="/img/hopbak-green.svg" class="navbar-logo"  alt="hopbak" v-else>


So ideally it would be nice to pass the :username into the title in the route.js but I dont think thats possible. I have tried adding something like this to a view but like I said it gets called to late:


   this.$route.meta.title = this.user.username

which does change it but not before the navbar already loaded.

enter image description here

like image 264
Packy Avatar asked Oct 19 '17 20:10


People also ask

What is meta in route Vue?

Sometimes, you might want to attach arbitrary information to routes like transition names, who can access the route, etc. This can be achieved through the meta property which accepts an object of properties and can be accessed on the route location and navigation guards.

How do you use meta on Vue?

Using vue-meta First, to use vue-meta , open your terminal and navigate to your existing Vue project directory. Then, run the following command: npm install vue-meta @2.4. 0.

How do I see previous routes on Vue?

from: Route : the current route being navigated away from. As an example you could use beforeRouteEnter , an in-component navigation guard, to get the previous route and store it in your data .. ... data() { return { ... prevRoute: null } }, beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) { next(vm => { vm.

2 Answers

I had a similar problem with dynamic url parameters in metadata and I solved it by evaluating the meta attribute of this.$route as function. First configure the meta attribute in this way:

//A route
      path: '/team/:username', 
      component: require('./views/team-single'),  
      name: 'profile', 
      meta: (route) => ({ requiresAuth: true, title: 'Team Member' + route.params.username, tabbar: false }) 

Then you could use it in your template in this way:

//if the route has a title show that not the logo
 <div class="navbar-item">

     <transition name="fadeup">
         <h1 v-if="$route.meta != null" class="navbar-title">{{ $route.meta($route).title }}</h1>
         <img src="/img/hopbak-green.svg" class="navbar-logo"  alt="hopbak" v-else>

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phil Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 20:09


After setting the meta, I forced the router to reload like this:

this.$route.meta.title = this.user.username

// Add a temporary query parameter.
this.$router.replace({query: {temp: Date.now()}})
// Remove the temporary query parameter.
this.$router.replace({query: {temp: undefined}})

There are many workarounds to force a reload of the router found in this GitHub issue. This is just one of them.

like image 23
Wildan Maulana Syahidillah Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 20:09

Wildan Maulana Syahidillah