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Vue router: anchor links to a specific place in a page e.g. /route/#anchor

Is there an established way to use vue-router (router-link) to link to a specific route, including an anchor on a page?

I can do this: <router-link to="/page/#section"> and the router will work as expected, but only if I am on the actual /page/ location – it will scroll to the nearest element with id="section"

But if I use the same router-link from elsewhere (eg. /page2/) the router will return 404, because it will treat the /#section part as a nested route.

like image 969
Jan Franciszek Cieślak Avatar asked Jul 25 '18 10:07

Jan Franciszek Cieślak

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2 Answers

Here is a solution for router links pointing to an anchor on a different page:

Use this link syntax: <router-link to="/page#section">. On the target page you need add your own scroll logic:

        mounted() {
            var section=this.$router.currentRoute.value.hash.replace("#", "");
            if (section)
                this.$nextTick(()=> window.document.getElementById(section).scrollIntoView());

This works quite well but you might want to add a bit of error handling for non-existent anchors.

like image 131
henon Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10


1. Install vue-scrollto:

npm install --save vue-scrollto

2. Setup main.js:

import VueScrollTo from 'vue-scrollto'

3. Set anchor ids (most likely in your Home.vue):

      <SectionOne id="section-one"/>
      <SectionTwo id="section-two"/>
      <SectionThree id="section-three"/>

4. Link to anchor via href or router-link:

via href:

<a href="#" v-scroll-to="'#section-one'">
    Scroll to #section-one

via router-link:

<router-link to="#" v-scroll-to="'#section-two'">
    Scroll to #section-two
like image 34
baermathias Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
