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Vue instance using classes

I'm new to Vue and have a few questions on it. But I think the issue I am running is the one I have no idea how to solve it:

I have a few <div class="foo"> in my code. I want to interact with these <div>s using a Vue instance. I had the idea to use something like:

var app = new Vue({
  el: 'div.foo',
  data: {
    message: 'bar'

Therefore, all the div.foo elements would be manageable by app. But how can I get EXACTLY the element I'm working with?

Let's say in JQuery we have this...

$("div.foo").click(function() {

The code will work for every div.foo, but the print will show just the clicked element.

like image 344
porthunt Avatar asked Mar 22 '17 20:03


2 Answers

You can't do what you are suggesting, but you could create a new Vue for each element matching your selector.

Each would hold it's own state.

const vues = document.querySelectorAll(".app");
Array.prototype.forEach.call(vues, (el, index) => new Vue({el, data:{message: "hello " + index}}))


If you wanted a shared state,

const vues = document.querySelectorAll(".app");
const each = Array.prototype.forEach;
const data = {
  message: "hello world"
each.call(vues, (el, index) => new Vue({el, data}))

At which point you could do something like data.message = "new value" and all the Vues would change.

Example 2.

This is just me playing around though. It might be advisable for you to just create one Vue and manage all your foos.

like image 116
Bert Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


Additionally, if you want to access the html from your js/ts files, you can use vue's ref system.


<div ref="example">example</div>


var myExampleDiv = this.$refs.example;

or if your using typescript


const myExampleDiv = this.$refs.example as HTMLElement;

For more information on this: https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#vm-refs

like image 22
DanPottsHimself Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
