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VSS bindings are lost every time the solution is opened

Every time I open a particular solution, the VSS bindings are lost and I have to rebind. Can anyone tell me why this happens and/or how to prevent it (short of never closing the solution, or having to do a "Get Latest Version")? This doesn't happen for every project/solution, only this one.

As always, thanks for the help.

P.S. I know the product sucks, but I have to use it.

like image 582
Matt M Avatar asked Sep 30 '10 14:09

Matt M

1 Answers

It's gonna be hard to find the root cause of the problem but it's probably related to corruption of binding informations stored in your folder.

One possible solution would be to delete the content of your project folder (you can try first by only removing VSS related files) and then re-open it from source control (in VS) to let VS recreate binding informations.

This will surely work if only you in your team are experimenting this problem... othewise... don't know.

If the problem still occure after that, I don't see other solution than re-installing your VS :-(

Hope that help !

like image 130
Alois Cochard Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10

Alois Cochard